Module Moonshine::Manifest::Rails::Apache

  1. lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/apache.rb (view online)


public instance

  1. apache_server

Public instance methods

apache_server ()

Installs Apache 2.2 and enables mod_rewrite and mod_status. Enables mod_ssl if configuration[:ssl] is present

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/apache.rb, line 5
 5:   def apache_server
 6:     package "apache2-mpm-worker", :ensure => :installed
 7:     service "apache2", :require => package("apache2-mpm-worker"), :restart => '/etc/init.d/apache2 restart', :ensure => :running
 8:     a2enmod('rewrite')
 9:     a2enmod('status')
10:     if configuration[:ssl]
11:       a2enmod('headers')
12:       a2enmod('ssl')
13:     end
14:     if configuration[:apache] && configuration[:apache][:users]
15:       htpasswd = configuration[:apache][:htpasswd] || "#{configuration[:deploy_to]}/shared/config/htpasswd"
17:       file htpasswd, :ensure => :file, :owner => 'rails', :mode => '644'
19:       configuration[:apache][:users].each do |user,pass|
20:         exec "htpasswd #{user}",
21:           :command => "htpasswd -b #{htpasswd} #{user} #{pass}",
22:           :unless  => "grep '#{user}' #{htpasswd}"
23:       end
24:     end
25:     status = "<IfModule mod_status.c>\nExtendedStatus On\n<Location /server-status>\nSetHandler server-status\norder deny,allow\ndeny from all\nallow from\n</Location>\n</IfModule>\n"
26:     file '/etc/apache2/mods-available/status.conf',
27:       :ensure => :present,
28:       :mode => '644',
29:       :require => exec('a2enmod status'),
30:       :content => status,
31:       :notify => service("apache2")
32:     file '/etc/logrotate.d/varlogapachelog.conf', :ensure => :absent
33:   end