Class Moonshine::Manifest

  1. lib/moonshine/manifest.rb (view online)
Parent: ShadowPuppet::Manifest

This is the base Moonshine Manifest class, which provides a simple system for loading moonshine recpies from plugins, a template helper, and parses several configuration files:


The contents of config/moonshine.yml are expected to serialize into a hash, and are loaded into the manifest’s Configatron::Store.


The contents of your database config are parsed and are available at configuration[:database].

If you’d like to create another ‘default rails stack’ using other tools that what Moonshine::Manifest::Rails uses, subclass this and go nuts.

Public class methods

deploy_stage ()

The current deployment target. Best when used with capistrano-ext’s multistage settings.

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 65
65:   def self.deploy_stage
66:     ENV['DEPLOY_STAGE'] || 'undefined'
67:   end
plugin (name = nil)

Load a Moonshine Plugin

class MyManifest < Moonshine::Manifest

  # Evals vendor/plugins/moonshine_my_app/moonshine/init.rb
  plugin :moonshine_my_app

  # Evals lib/my_recipe.rb
  plugin 'lib/my_recipe.rb'

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 30
30:   def self.plugin(name = nil)
31:     if name.is_a?(Symbol)
32:       path = File.join(rails_root, 'vendor', 'plugins', 'moonshine_' + name.to_s, 'moonshine', 'init.rb')
33:     else
34:       path = name
35:     end
36:     Kernel.eval(, binding, path)
37:     true
38:   end
rails_env ()

The current Rails environment

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 50
50:   def self.rails_env
51:     ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || 'production'
52:   end
rails_root ()

The working directory of the Rails application this manifests describes.

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 41
41:   def self.rails_root
42:    @rails_root ||= File.expand_path(ENV["RAILS_ROOT"] || Dir.getwd)
43:   end

Public instance methods

database_environment ()

The current environment’s database configuration

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 60
60:   def database_environment
61:    configuration[:database][rails_env.to_sym]
62:   end
deploy_stage ()

The current deployment target. Best when used with capistrano-ext’s multistage settings.

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 70
70:   def deploy_stage
71:     self.class.deploy_stage
72:   end
on_stage (*args) {|| ...}

Only run tasks on the specified deploy_stage.

You can call it with the exact stage you want to run on:

on_stage(:my_stage) do
  puts "I'm on my_stage"

Or you can pass an array of stages to run on:

on_stage(:my_stage, :my_other_stage) do
  puts "I'm on one of my stages"

Or you can run a task unless it is on a stage:

on_stage(:unless => :my_stage) do
  puts "I'm not on my_stage"

Or you can run a task unless it is on one of several stages:

on_stage(:unless => [:my_stage, :my_other_stage]) do
  puts "I'm not on my stages"
[show source]
     # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 99
 99:   def on_stage(*args)
100:     options = args.extract_options!
101:     if_opt = options[:if]
102:     unless_opt = options[:unless]
104:     unless if_opt || unless_opt
105:       if_opt = args
106:     end
108:     if if_opt && if_opt.is_a?(Array) && {|x| x.to_s}.include?(deploy_stage)
109:       yield
110:     elsif if_opt && (if_opt.is_a?(String) || if_opt.is_a?(Symbol)) && deploy_stage == if_opt.to_s
111:       yield
112:     elsif unless_opt && unless_opt.is_a?(Array) && ! {|x| x.to_s}.include?(deploy_stage)
113:       yield
114:     elsif unless_opt && (unless_opt.is_a?(String) || unless_opt.is_a?(Symbol)) && deploy_stage != unless_opt.to_s
115:       yield
116:     end
117:   end
rails_env ()

The current Rails environment

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 55
55:   def rails_env
56:     self.class.rails_env
57:   end
rails_root ()
[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 45
45:   def rails_root
46:    self.class.rails_root
47:   end
template (pathname, b = binding)

Render the ERB template located at pathname. If a template exists with the same basename at RAILS_ROOT/app/manifests/templates, it is used instead. This is useful to override templates provided by plugins to customize application configuration files.

[show source]
     # File lib/moonshine/manifest.rb, line 123
123:   def template(pathname, b = binding)
124:     template_contents = nil
125:     basename = pathname.index('/') ? pathname.split('/').last : pathname
126:     if File.exist?(File.expand_path(File.join(rails_root, 'app', 'manifests', 'templates', basename)))
127:       template_contents =, 'app', 'manifests', 'templates', basename)))
128:     elsif File.exist?(File.expand_path(pathname))
129:       template_contents =
130:     else
131:       raise LoadError, "Can't find template #{pathname}"
132:     end
134:   end