Module Moonshine::Manifest::Rails::Mysql

  1. lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/mysql.rb (view online)

Public instance methods

mysql_database ()

Create the database from the current database_environment

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/mysql.rb, line 54
54:   def mysql_database
55:     exec "mysql_database",
56:       :command => mysql_query("create database #{database_environment[:database]};"),
57:       :unless => mysql_query("show create database #{database_environment[:database]};"),
58:       :require => service('mysql'),
59:       :notify => exec('rails_bootstrap')
60:   end
mysql_fixup_debian_start ()

Noop /etc/mysql/debian-start, which does some nasty table scans on MySQL start.

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/mysql.rb, line 64
64:   def mysql_fixup_debian_start
65:     file '/etc/mysql/debian-start',
66:       :ensure => :present,
67:       :content => "#!/bin/bash\nexit 0",
68:       :mode => '755',
69:       :owner => 'root',
70:       :require => package('mysql-server')
71:   end
mysql_gem ()

Install the mysql rubygem and dependencies

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/mysql.rb, line 30
30:   def mysql_gem
31:     gem('mysql')
32:   end
mysql_server ()

Installs mysql-server from apt and enables the mysql service. Also creates a configuration file at /etc/mysql/conf.d/moonshine.cnf. See templates/moonshine.cnf for configuration options.

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/mysql.rb, line 7
 7:   def mysql_server
 8:     package 'mysql-server', :ensure => :installed
 9:     service 'mysql', :ensure => :running, :require => [
10:       package('mysql-server'),
11:       package('mysql')
12:     ]
13:     #ensure the mysql key is present on the configuration hash
14:     configure(:mysql => {})
15:     file '/etc/mysql', :ensure => :directory
16:     file '/etc/mysql/conf.d', :ensure => :directory
17:     file '/etc/mysql/conf.d/innodb.cnf',
18:       :ensure => :present,
19:       :content => template(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates', 'innodb.cnf.erb')),
20:       :before => package('mysql-server')
21:     file '/etc/mysql/conf.d/moonshine.cnf',
22:       :ensure => :present,
23:       :content => template(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates', 'moonshine.cnf.erb')),
24:       :require => package('mysql-server'),
25:       :notify => service('mysql')
26:     file '/etc/logrotate.d/varlogmysql.conf', :ensure => :absent
27:   end
mysql_user ()

GRANT the database user specified in the current database_environment permisson to access the database with the supplied password

[show source]
    # File lib/moonshine/manifest/rails/mysql.rb, line 36
36:   def mysql_user
37:     grant ="GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES \nON \#{database_environment[:database]}.*\nTO \#{database_environment[:username]}@localhost\nIDENTIFIED BY '\#{database_environment[:password]}';\nFLUSH PRIVILEGES;\n"
39:     exec "mysql_user",
40:       :command => mysql_query(grant),
41:       :unless  => "mysqlshow -u#{database_environment[:username]} -p#{database_environment[:password]} #{database_environment[:database]}",
42:       :require => exec('mysql_database'),
43:       :before => exec('rake tasks')
44:   end